Safe Home Insurance

What is My Safe Home Insurance?

With My Safe Home, you can easily secure the belongings in your home against many risks, from fire to theft, from flood to glass breakage. Depending on your preference, you can add earthquake coverage for your belongings or expand your policy coverage to include your building with different package options.
Casco Insurance Guarantees
Electrical Problems Glass Breaking, Cracking Internal Plumbing Problems Locksmith Services

Expenses that may occur in your home are covered with a limit of 2000 TL per event, 3 times a year for each coverage.


Why Vuslat


Offering special privileges to its users regarding home insurance prices, Allianz has a variety of packages aimed at meeting the needs of its users.


With Allianz, which provides rich coverage and assistance services, you can feel safe in your grievances.


You can work with expert technical teams through a wide agency network and add value to the value of your home.

No, you can benefit from Safe Home Insurance as a landlord or a tenant, with the package and coverage options you want in line with your needs.
Yes, you can secure your building up to a certain limit with the My Building is Safe or Comprehensive Assurance packages.
Since My Safe Home Insurance is a first fire product, under-insurance is not applied. The damages to occur are paid within the coverage limits within the framework of the exemptions and conditions specified in the policy, regardless of whether the building value of your house and the total value of the goods in your house are higher than the insurance amount specified in the policy.
Although Safe Home is a product designed for your belongings, it is a product designed to secure your belongings and/or building with certain limits with different guarantees and package options in line with your needs. With Yuvam Insurance, you can secure both your belongings and your building with extensive coverage. You can benefit from additional assistance services for your needs with package options designed for every budget.

24 Years of Experience,

Affordable Price Guarantee

We provide services to meet the needs of our customers at the maximum level and to offer the most economical solutions possible. Vuslat Sigorta offers you consultancy, policy issuance and damage services with its special customer representatives.

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