Comprehensive Credit Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance with Comprehensive Credit?

Comprehensive Loan Life Insurance is the insurance that guarantees the loan debt of our customers using personal loans, in case of loss of life or complete and permanent disability. In addition to loss of life and full and permanent disability coverages, the maximum amount for critical illness coverage offered by Comprehensive Overdraft Life Insurance is limited to 50.000 TL. In case the Loss of Life, Complete and Permanent Disability coverage is less than TL 50,000, the critical illness coverage will decrease in line with the current loan debt balance as of the insurance issue date in line with the relevant coverage, and support you in your difficult days in cases specified in special conditions. After the debt is settled, the remaining amount, if any, is paid to you, your family or your loved ones.

Why Should I Get Comprehensive Credit Life?

In the event of your loss of life, compensation is paid to the bank by the insurance company. The balance (if any) resulting from the deduction of the paid loan debt from the compensation is paid by the bank to your legal heirs.
In case of complete and permanent disability or critical illness, compensation is paid to you, to the insured person specified on the certificate.
Calculation is made over the annual decreasing collateral in loan usage.
You can get tax advantage by deducting the premiums you pay from your tax base.
It provides assurance against 20 critical diseases. With this insurance, you can get support for your treatment expenses, have home care, and meet the basic needs of your home, without having to deal with financial problems, while struggling with health problems.

DASK Compulsory Earthquake Insurance Guarantees
Liability Cover Complete and Permanent Disability Cover Critical Illness Coverage
In case of loss of life of the insured, the loan debt is paid over the valid coverage and after the payment, the remaining amount, if any, is paid to the legal heirs.
In case of Total and Permanent Disability, the amount of coverage valid as of the date of damage is paid to the insured person indicated on the certificate. There is no entitlement to compensation for both loss of life and full and permanent disability coverages, and the insurance contract ends when any compensation for these coverages is paid.
In the event of one of the critical illnesses specified in the Special Conditions to occur during the insurance period, the coverage amount valid as of the date of damage is paid. The amount of collateral decreases annually depending on the loan debt balance and monthly loan interest rate and is limited to a maximum of 50,000 TL. In case of payment from critical illness coverage, only critical illness coverage expires and critical illness coverage is not provided during the renewal period. Compensation is paid for only one critical illness, even if it is detected at the same time. Even if it has not been diagnosed, disability and critical illness that will occur during the policy/certificate period due to a medically exposed disease before the policy/certificate start date are not covered by the policy/certificate coverage.

Discover where to buy and how to benefit!

Who can benefit?

Anyone between the ages of 18 - 49 can apply. The sum of the insured's age and insurance period cannot exceed 55.

How long is the insurance period?

The insurance period is in line with the loan term. If you give an annual auto-renewal order for policies with a shorter term than the credit term, your policy will be renewed by taking the premiums from your credit card or account.

What are the premiums amount and payment options?

Insurance premium amounts vary according to the amount of collateral, age, loan debt balance, remaining loan term and monthly loan interest rate. In advance or in installments; Can be charged to account or credit card. You can also pay by adding the insurance premium to the loan request. In this way, you can pay the insurance premium with loan installments without any difficulty.

  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Coronary artery by-pass surgery
  • Kidney failure
  • Essential organ transplantation
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of limb
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Blindness
  • Hearing loss
  • Heart valve surgery
  • Aortic grafting operation
  • Balloon – angioplasty
  • Serious burns
  • Coma
  • Benign brain tumor
  • Inability of body organs to perform their duties and movements
  • HIV transmitted by blood transfusion
  • Occupationally transmitted HIV
Individual needs, vehicles or commercial installments can be insured.

24 Years of Experience,

Affordable Price Guarantee

We provide services to meet the needs of our customers at the maximum level and to offer the most economical solutions possible. Vuslat Sigorta offers you consultancy, policy issuance and damage services with its special customer representatives.

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