2nd Hand Warranty Insurance

Who can benefit?

Businesses authorized for the sale of second-hand vehicles and real/legal persons who sell second-hand motor vehicles without any commercial purpose can purchase the policy, provided that the vehicle's appraisal is done before the sale through the appraisal firms contracted by Allianz.

Automobiles that can be issued a Second Hand Warranty Insurance policy:

  • Passenger cars used for private purposes
  • Cars aged 8 years and younger, with 160,000 kilometers and less
  • Cars manufactured with gasoline, diesel, hybrid (hybrid) or gas
  • Used cars without manufacturer's or importer's warranty
  • Cars with an appraisal report obtained just before the sale, in cases where the sale is made by the authorized business or between real/legal persons without a commercial purpose
  • Motor vehicles registered in Turkey
Guarantees ;
Engine Transmission Torque Converter Differential Electric-electronics

24 Years of Experience,

Affordable Price Guarantee

We provide services to meet the needs of our customers at the maximum level and to offer the most economical solutions possible. Vuslat Sigorta offers you consultancy, policy issuance and damage services with its special customer representatives.

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