Evil Eye Bead Health Insurance

What is Evil Eye Health Insurance?

Nazar Bead Insurance, which is your biggest assistant in difficult situations such as surgery and intensive care, allows you to easily cover your emergency health expenses.

Allianz Evil Eye Bead Insurance, also known as surgery and intensive care insurance, allows you to cover your surgery and intensive care expenses with a limit of 100,000 TL and 90% repayment opportunity at contracted institutions.

Nazar Boncuğu Health Insurance offers you the opportunity to pay cash in case of surgery or intensive care hospitalization in Official Health Institutions, using your General Health Insurance (SGK), in addition to surgery and intensive care expenses.

Hospital services and additional financial support are included in the services you have received within the scope of domestic inpatient treatment coverage. The total limit of the policy is 90.000 TL net annually.

Casco Insurance Guarantees
Domestic Inpatient Treatment Coverage Domestic Small Intervention Cover Additional Financial Support
With Allianz Evil Eye Bead Insurance, you don't have to worry about your health expenses incurred as a result of your inpatient treatments. Evil eye bead health insurance covers your inpatient treatment expenses with a limit of 100,000 TL and 90% payment opportunity, thanks to the cooperation of Allianz with contracted hospitals.

Expenses covered under this coverage:

  • *Surgical Hospitalization: Doctor and nurse fees, medication, medical supplies.
  • *Non-Surgical Hospitalization: Normal room, intensive care.
  • *Bed, meal, companion.


In minor intervention coverage, it does not matter whether the treatment was outpatient or inpatient. Regardless of the type of treatment, the expenses incurred for treatment in the hospital or doctor's office can be easily covered with a small intervention guarantee. All kinds of expenses related to attempts up to 150 units in the Turkish Medical Association Minimum Wage Tariff are considered within the scope of the evil eye bead policy.

Some of these expenses can be listed as follows:

  • Plaster application for fractures,
  • Suturing wounds on the skin,
  • Removal of foreign body from the eye,
  • Gastric lavage etc.


Small intervention coverage, which is a complementary support, secures you within the coverage limit and payment percentage specified in the policy. In addition, health expenses related to non-surgical treatments (observation/observation) whose hospitalization period does not exceed 24 hours are also considered within the scope of this coverage.

Thanks to the additional financial support, you can easily cover the expenses incurred after your surgical hospitalizations and intensive care stays at Official Health Institutions under the General Health Insurance.

Compensation payments within the scope of Additional Financial Support Coverage are covered within the coverage limit and payment percentage, taking into account the categories defined in the policy. In determining the categories, the treatment units included in the Health Service Tariff for surgical hospitalizations and the number of nights spent in the intensive care unit are taken into account for treatments performed in the intensive care unit.

*With this guarantee, it is aimed to pay you in cash the fixed amounts in the categories in the table above, regardless of the expenses you will make after the surgery or hospitalization in the state or state university hospitals.


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