Personal Private Pension Plan

What is a Personal Private Pension Plan?

The Personalized Private Pension Plan, which is among the Allianz Life and Pension Plans, is an Individual Pension plan where you can start your individual retirement by paying the most suitable contribution for you and benefit from many advantages such as state contribution.

To get information and offer about the Private Pension Plan, simply fill out the application form.

How Much is the Minimum Contribution in the Private Private Pension Plan?

The minimum contribution amount applied in the Allianz Personal Private Pension Plan is 250 TL.

Personalized Pension Plan contributions can be paid on a monthly, quarterly, 6-monthly or annual basis. You can easily make your payments by choosing one of the payment methods such as automatic payment order, bank account and credit card.

Personal Private Pension Plan Deductions

When you join the Allianz Personalized Private Pension Plan, you may encounter some deductions such as entrance fee and administrative expense deduction from savings. So, what do they mean?

Entry Fee and Management Expense Deduction

The entrance fee is valid upon signing of the offer form and is defined on the basis of the monthly gross minimum wage. Accordingly:

  • 75% of the monthly gross minimum wage within 3 years as of the effective date of the contract,
  • For contracts that have completed 3 years as of the effective date of the contract, 50% of the monthly gross wage is applied for those who leave before 5 years.

In contracts where the entry fee is defined, all of the said fee is postponed until the date of transfer to another company or leaving the system. Entry fee is not deducted from contracts for which no entry fee is defined, or from contracts exceeding 5 years from the date of entry into force of the agreement.

Management Expense Deduction on Savings

In the Personal Private Pension Plan, an administrative fee deduction is applied in the amount of one twelfth of the annual upper limit of the total entrance fee and administrative expense deduction, entrance fee and administrative expense deduction over the savings in the account. This deduction, which can be applied within the first 5 years of the contract, is made on the 15th day of each calendar month. If the 15th day of the calendar month coincides with a public holiday, the next business day is taken into account.

While determining the annual upper limit for the total Entry Fee and Administration Expense deduction, 8.5% of the monthly gross minimum wage amount valid in the calendar year that coincides with the start date of each contract year is taken as a basis, based on the date of the contract.

Apart from the entry fee and the management expense deduction from savings in the Allianz Personalized Private Pension Plan;

  • Management expense deduction on contribution fee,
  • Additional administrative expenses are not deducted.
What is Fund Total Expense Deduction Refund? How Is It Determined?

As of the 6th year of the contract in the Allianz Personalized Private Pension Plan, the fund is returned to the participant or the participant's pension account at the determined rates of the total expense deduction. The contract year and return rates of the planned implementation, which started as of 01.01.2021, are as follows:

  • 2.5% from the 6th year of the contract,
  • For contracts between 7 and 14 years, increasing by 2.5% every year
  • For 15 years and beyond, 25% refund rate applies.
For existing contracts:

When determining the return rate, the date of 01.01.2013 is accepted for the contracts in the system before 01.01.2013.

What is Government Contribution Control? What are the rates?

State contribution control rates, which are valid from the 6th year of the individual pension contract, start on the effective date of the contract and are effective on the total amount of deductions made until the expiry date. The control takes place as of 01.01.2021.

On the basis of each contract, the total amount of deductions to be made by the company from the effective date of the relevant contract to the contract expiration date cannot exceed the amount to be calculated over the amount found in the State Contribution account, if any, within the scope of the contract, using the rates in the table below.

The upper limit of government contribution control rates varies according to the contract year as follows:

  • 60% in the 6th year of the contract,
  • 70% in the 7th year of the contract,
  • The 8th year of the contract is 80%,
  • 90% of the 9th year of the contract,
  • In the 10th year of the contract and after, a state contribution control rate of 100% is applied.

State contribution control is not applied in 2 types of contracts. These are;

  • Contracts with total savings exceeding 10 times the annual gross minimum wage with the date of control,
  • Contracts with irregular payment status at the time of exit from the system.
What is Irregular Payment?

After 01.01.2016, contributions can be considered as irregular payments if they are not deposited within 3 months after the payment date. Contracts within the scope of irregular payment are informed within 5 days from the start of this situation.

If the unpaid contributions of the contract within the scope of irregular payment are paid later, it is considered that regular payments have started for this contract.

Pension Mutual Funds

You can find detailed information about pension funds for your savings, which you want to evaluate, on Private Pension Mutual Funds.

Why Vuslat?

  • You can choose from many different investment instruments according to your expectations and needs in our wide fund portfolio prepared by expert portfolio managers, and if you want a practical solution, you can choose ready-made fund packages.
  • You can contact our consultants for special support while you are guiding your savings.
  • You can get discounted services at contracted health institutions.
  • You can consult healthcare professionals 24/7 on the medical hotline, request a free private ambulance in emergencies, and benefit from free home care for 1 day after birth and 2 days after surgery.
  • When your retirement approaches; You can join Allianz Pension World, which is full of many opportunities that will add color to your life, from health to shopping, from travel to cultural events.
  • If you have to take a break from working for more than 6 months due to an accident or illness, Allianz will continue to deposit your contributions on your behalf for up to 5 years, securing your contributions.
  • With My Allianz mobile application, you can easily perform your payment and fund transactions whenever you want.
  • You can benefit from the personalized calculation service to qualify for the highest state contribution.

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