My Safe Workplace Insurance

What is My Safe Workplace Insurance?

It is a protection insurance that secures your workplace, commodities and fixtures in it against many risks, from fire to theft, from flood and flood to glass breakage, from electronic device damage to terrorism.

If you don't want to risk your labor, Allianz is with you with My Safe Workplace Insurance!

You have completed all the procedures with great effort and set up your dream workplace. So, how safe are your materials in the workplace and the basic items required for business continuity, namely your fixtures? If you have Safe Workplace Insurance, the commodities and fixtures in the workplace are completely safe against risks such as fire, theft, flood, terrorism.

My Safe Workplace Insurance is with you with electronic device coverage so that things will always go well.

When it comes to business continuity, electronic device or equipment failure should not be mentioned. If the work stops for even one day due to these malfunctions, it can cause much more financial damage than is thought. This is exactly why the Safe Workplace Insurance Electronic Device Coverage exists. #AllianzSeninle

with repair and replacement cost guarantee in case of damage to electronic devices due to any reason

My Safe Workplace Insurance is with you so that your efforts do not turn into ashes.

Wouldn't you like your workplace, where you work every day, and where others make a living, to be secured against the risk of fire? You are insured against fire with My Safe Workplace Insurance.
Allianz Help Service
Electrical Problems Glass Breaking, Cracking Internal Plumbing Problems Locksmith Services
Privileged Assistance Services
Security Services Doctor and Ambulance Services Employer and Financial Advisory Information Line Services Computer Assistance Service
If your workplace has become inoperable due to fire, flooding, etc., the security of your workplace is provided for 2 days (48 hours).
A doctor or ambulance is sent to your workplace free of charge, 3 times a year and limited to 250 TL per event.
A doctor or ambulance is sent to your workplace free of charge, 3 times a year and limited to 250 TL per event. You can get information about employers and financial consultancy by calling the free information line whose phone number is included in your policy.
You can benefit from free computer assistance service for daily technical problems you experience with your computers at your workplace.
Workplaces operating in a reinforced concrete building within the borders of the Republic of Turkey can benefit from this product, regardless of the owner/tenant distinction.
Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, with this product, you can insure the building and its contents in your workplace against many risks.
No. The amount mentioned is the total guarantee limit. In other words, it refers to the maximum amount that will cover the damage to your content as a result of the risks covered by the policy. It varies for each package.
As this is a first fire product*, under-insurance does not apply. *What is the first fire product? It is the creation of a policy over the value determined by the insured and the insurer, not the total value of the commodity or building to be insured. In this case, the maximum liability of the insurer is up to the determined value.
You can quickly get a price quote for our first fire product, My Safe Workplace, with just your workplace's field of activity, address and ID number.

24 Years of Experience,

Affordable Price Guarantee

We provide services to meet the needs of our customers at the maximum level and to offer the most economical solutions possible. Vuslat Sigorta offers you consultancy, policy issuance and damage services with its special customer representatives.

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