My Safe Family Insurance Paying Salary

What is My Safe Family Insurance Paying, What Does It Cover?

With My Safe Family Insurance Paying Salary, you can secure the future of yourself and your loved ones for your needs that may arise due to unexpected accidents*.

The product makes a one-time indemnity payment under the conditions determined within the scope of the coverage provided to the Insured person or to the person/persons/legal heirs to be specified, or additionally offers a regular monthly salary to those who are left behind. Moreover, these monthly salary payments are increased by 10% each year.

*Accident Definition: It is the death of the insured against his will or being exposed to a bodily defect as a result of a sudden and external event. In addition, these situations are also accidents;

  • From the inhalation of suddenly and unexpectedly inhaling gases.
  • From burns and injuries, sprains and ruptures of muscles and nerves as a result of a sudden movement.
  • Poisoning as a result of snake or insect bites.
  • Death or bodily defects resulting from rabies resulting from being bitten.
MONTHLY SALARY AMOUNT  5,500TL 11.000TL 5,500TL 11.000TL
AMOUNT OF DAMAGES 55.000TL 110.000TL 55,000 110.000TL
SALE PRICE 749TL 1,499TL 1,249TL 2,499TL

Salary My Family Insurance Advantages Paying Salary

There are 4 different package alternatives created according to the monthly salary payment option.

It offers the opportunity to pay the insurance premiums in cash from the account or by credit card in cash or in 12 installments, depending on your choice.

You can use this salary support for various expenses such as bills, rent, loans. Moreover, these monthly salary payments are increased by 10% each year.

Assurance is also provided for situations that may occur as a result of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions within the product.

You can make premium payments from the account in cash or in +2 installments in advance, or you can buy it in 12 installments to your credit card.
The policy will be valid wherever the insured is in the world.
This insurance can be made for people between the ages of 5 and 70.
Acute officer, soldier, military service and operations participant, non-commissioned officer, diver, sailor, deck officer, ship crew, stewardess, firefighter, jockey, coal worker, courier, people involved in air sports, marble quarry worker, miner, motor vehicle racers , pilot, police, professional athletes, civil defense officers, officers, quarry workers, shipyard workers, underground workers, people dealing with nuclear risk (nuclear energy engineers and others), captain, protection officer, stunt profession groups insurance coverage is outside. In addition, all kinds of private and official security personnel, ship personnel, underground/surface mining personnel, shipyard and construction workers or firefighter professional groups are not covered by the insurance. If the insured has these professions, the policy is invalid and the insurer will not be liable to pay compensation.
If the insured is a paid employee or is a taxpayer subject to declaration, he/she can deduct the Personal Accident Insurance premiums paid in accordance with the relevant articles of the Income Tax Law from the tax base.

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