Group Personal Accident Insurance

What is Group Personal Accident Insurance?

Allianz Group Personal Accident Insurance secures your employees against the risks of accident they may encounter. In the event of a possible accident, you will support your employees in their difficult days with the amount of compensation to be given to the employee or their relatives.

You can also benefit from our insurance, which has a standard period of one year, for shorter periods to be determined by you. Your insurance policy can optionally be renewed every year.

Anyone between the ages of 16-75 can benefit from Allianz Group Personal Accident Insurance. The insured person can show any person he/she wishes as the beneficiary and can change it at any time.

Why Allianz?


Allianz, with its extensive experience in more than 80 countries and over 30 years of experience in Turkey, secures you and your employees.


With additional coverage in addition to unexpected accidents; You and your employees are also insured against earthquakes, floods, landslides and terrorist incidents.


Group Personal Accident Insurance is valid all over the world, except for Embargo Countries, with the coverage limit and conditions specified in the policy.

Group Personal Accident Insurance Coverage
Accidental Death Cover Accidental Disability Death as a result of an accident in public transport Accidental treatment costs Coverage of daily incapacity for days not worked as a result of accident
During the policy process, the insured; It is the guarantee given against the risk of death of the insured as a result of a sudden, external and unintentional accident..
During the policy period, the insured; It covers the cases of bodily harm and temporary or permanent deterioration of bodily integrity as a result of negative situations.
As a result of an accident covered by the policy, the insured's doctor's fee and medication, radiography, spa treatment, massage, hospital and other necessary treatment expenses, excluding transportation fees, can be insured. This coverage cannot exceed 5% of the total of death and permanent disability coverages.
In the event that the insured becomes unable to work as a result of an accident, he/she is paid the daily indemnity written in the policy.
Persons who want to insure at least 10 employees in the company against the risks that may occur as a result of accidents during their employment can take out Group Personal Accident Insurance.
The standard period of Group Personal Accident Insurance is one year. If you want to benefit from this insurance for shorter periods, you can also get service for a period of time that you determine. The insurance policy is optionally renewable every year.
The beneficiary is the legal heirs of the insured. The insured can show anyone as beneficiary and change it if he/she wishes.

24 Years of Experience,

Affordable Price Guarantee

We provide services to meet the needs of our customers at the maximum level and to offer the most economical solutions possible. Vuslat Sigorta offers you consultancy, policy issuance and damage services with its special customer representatives.

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