Life Insurance Worth Living

Value to Live Insurance

With Value to Live Life Insurance, which makes you earn while you are alive, you will get back the premiums you paid at the end of the term, including the loyalty bonus, indexed to foreign currency. Moreover, you benefit from the tax advantage.


Death Cover

In the event that the insured dies within the insurance period, the total premium paid as of the date of the risk is returned to the legal heirs of the insured.

Life Cover

In the event that the insured continues to live at the end of the insurance period, the amount of life insurance specified in the policy is paid to the policyholder.

Exclusive Advantages for You

Loyalty Bonus: Allianz voluntarily shares a portion of the income obtained by investing the premiums paid by the insurer as a loyalty bonus with the policyholder or legal heirs in case of life and death.

In the event that the risk of loss of life does not occur at the end of the insurance period and all premiums have been paid, a life guarantee and bonus payment is made.

In case of loss of life, the premiums paid are returned to your loved ones together with the bonus amount.

You can have Value to Live Insurance with the minimum premium amount of 50 dollars per month.

You can deduct the premiums you pay from tax, provided that they do not exceed certain amounts.

Your insurance period can be a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 12 years. The sum of your insurance period and your age should not exceed 75. For example, a person who buys Value to Live Insurance at the age of 65 can be insured for a maximum of 10 years and only with a health declaration.

Discover where to buy and how to benefit!

Who can benefit?

You can have it if you are between the ages of 18-63.

Where can it be purchased?

You can get Life Insurance Worth Living through Allianz Life and Pension agencies. You can also call 0850 399 99 99 for all your questions.

24 Years of Experience,

Affordable Price Guarantee

We provide services to meet the needs of our customers at the maximum level and to offer the most economical solutions possible. Vuslat Sigorta offers you consultancy, policy issuance and damage services with its special customer representatives.

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