Private Pension Under 18

What is Private Pension Under 18?

Now, those under the age of 18 are investing in their future by joining private pension with Allianz. At the same time, it does not miss the 30% state contribution and privileges in many areas from health to education!

Now you can sign an individual pension contract for your children, your most valuable asset in life. Thus, you can ensure that they benefit from an additional 30% state contribution and secure their future.

Private Pension Benefits for Under 18s

Participants under the age of 18 can benefit from the following assistance services after the withdrawal period. The existing assistance services in the plans also remain valid.

In order to benefit from the relevant service, your contract must be in effect and you must have paid the first contribution.

Contracted Health Institutions Educational Consulting Contribution Assurance Assistant Services
All participants with an Allianz Private Pension Agreement can benefit from discounted prices at the health institutions with which Allianz has a contract. The point to be noted here is that the contract in question is in effect and the first contribution payment has been received.
Child Health Consultation

Parents can take advantage of the doctor's consultation service on the phone about the issues they are wondering about child health. Within the scope of the service, drugs are not recommended, only information is provided for the purpose of obtaining an opinion. All of Türkiye is covered. Child Health Counseling is given through consultant doctors.

Pedagogue / Psychologist Consulting

A meeting session is provided free of charge at Contracted Pedagogues and Psychologists. If the insured wishes to continue the sessions, they can benefit from a discount of up to 30%. Within the scope of Student Coaching;
-Fear of Exams
-Lack of Concentration,
-Lack of Confidence
- Overcoming problems such as Failure at School..., as well as all other psychology topics are covered.

Training Coaching

Within the scope of the education consultancy given over the phone, detailed information is provided on private school alternatives that the insured can send their child within their budget. It covers all age groups up to university.

Career Coaching

7-12. In career coaching package programs for graduate students preparing for the classroom and university exams, the introduction session is offered free of charge, while the other sessions are offered with a 15% discount. This service is provided in 5-session packages and is only available in Istanbul. On the phone, preference consultancy, CV filling support, etc. support is provided.

Hobby, Discounted Study Centers, Language Courses, Stationery, Publishing House, Summer-Winter Camps

Art, sports, summer-winter schools etc. Up to 30% discount is provided in workshops. Up to 30% discount is provided at contracted institutions.

Private Pension Campaign for Under 18s

10% discount on health insurance for those under the age of 18 who are included in private pension!

Children under the age of 18 are eligible for a 10% discount on Private Health Insurance or Supplementary Health Insurance by participating in private pension with Allianz and investing in their future!

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Discover where to buy and how to benefit!

Who can benefit?

As its legal representative, you can have an individual pension contract for your child under the age of 18.

Where can it be purchased?

You can visit our nearest agency or contracted bank branch. You can also join the Private Pension System by filling out the application form.

Parents will be able to open an individual pension contract on behalf of their children, thus enabling their children to benefit from an additional 30% state contribution. Our children who enter the private pension system with Allianz will be able to benefit from many assistance services such as domestic consultancy services. A state contribution of 25% will be paid to the contributions paid until the effective date of the law, including the change in the State Contribution rate, and 30% to the contributions paid after the law comes into force. (In credit card payments, the date of transfer of the payment to the company accounts after the blockage period will be taken into account.)
When the participant child turns 18, he/she can use his/her right to leave directly. In order to use other rights, he/she must submit a request via our call center or in writing.

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