Medical Compulsory Liability Insurance

What is Medical Compulsory Liability Insurance?

Mandatory Financial Liability Insurance Regarding Medical Malpractice, while performing the professional activity specified in the policy of doctors, dentists and specialists in medicine, working in private or public health institutions and organizations, while performing the professional activity specified in the policy, in the ten-year period before the contract date or the contract period. Within the limits specified in the policy, it provides coverage against the claims made to it during the contract period due to the damages it caused due to its professional activities, and against the litigation expenses and interest to be determined in connection with this claim. However, the beginning of the ten-year period cannot exceed 30 July 2009 and there is no insurance protection for the notices made during the insured periods due to events that occur during periods of more than one month of uninsured.

In the event that the insured terminates his professional activity, in addition to the coverage in the first paragraph, claims that may arise up to two years after the expiry date of the contract due to his professional activity during the last insurance contract period are also covered.

This insurance is valid for the professional activities performed by the insured within the borders of the Republic of Turkey.

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